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I am unashamedly a huge movie buff, but more for films with esteemed directors or a unique hook than the latest CGI blockbuster.


To me films are an expression of art that we have a lot to learn from, films can exist for the sake of fun, to deliver a broad emotional spectrum of feelings, to shock and disturb or simply to frame every scene as a painting.


I take great enjoyment in trying to break down the meaning or allegory of a films shots and dialog, because being able to stand back and take a critical view of what is normally easily consumed downtime is what helps me separate the wheat from the chaff.

Computer Games

Video games are an incredible important medium of entertainment, as while to many video games are time wasting bejeweled clones, for others such as myself they are the strongest form of story telling, world building and immersion, because they engage the user in ways nothing else can.


For every Call of Duty there is a Witcher 3, for every Candy Crush there is an Undertale, it's important to remember that video games aren't just about playing a game, it's about telling a story and delivering a unique experience.



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